Frequent questions & answers
CREDITALE stands for expertise and transparency. Therefore, it is natural for us to answer your questions adequately and promptly. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via E-Mail .Who is Creditale?
CREDITALE is a limited company under German law, registered with the Memmingen registration court under HRB 16307. Its business purpose is the financing of antitrust damages lawsuits.
Why should I choose Creditale?
CREDITALE is specialised in the financing of antitrust damage lawsuits. We already work with a network of renowned partners for numerous companies which have been damaged by different cartels. Here you can get more information about advantages of working with CREDITALE.
Does Creditale finance antitrust damage lawsuits exclusively?
Yes, CREDITALE is exclusively active in the area of antitrust damage lawsuits.
How are Creditale services invoiced?
The terms of the funding are part of a first and free consultation appointment. Generally speaking we agree on a specific percentage of the sum of your awarded compensation.
Can I also sell my claim to Creditale?
Yes, the transfer of your claim to CREDITALE GmbH is possible. Here you can get more information about selling your antitrust damages claim.
Do you also advise me on the choice of a suitable law firm?
CREDITALE would happily advise you on the choice of a suitable law firm for your antitrust damages mandate. Of course, we also work together with your current office, as long as a fitting specialisation in antitrust law exists.
How does a litigation funding take place?
Generally speaking, you have already had a conversation with your solicitor before you find out about the possibilities of litigation funding. If this is the case, your solicitor checks the prospects of success of a claim and may recommend the litigation funding by CREDITALE to you.
In any case, you are welcome to contact us directly and one of our partner firms will deal with the assessment of the prospects of a possible claim. Subsequently, CREDITALE will prepare a finance contract for you.