Lorry cartel damages lorry buyers, carriers and logistic companies
On 19 July 2016, the EU Commission imposed a fine running into the billions against multiple manufacturers of heavy goods vehicles. The Commission confirmed the fact that the lorry manufacturers MAN, Volvo/Renault, Daimler, Iveco and DAF met unlawful agreements on pricing in the lorry market for more than a decade. Several businesses of the forwarding and logistics sector were affected.
What are the manufacturers accused of?
The members of the cartel are accused of the following points by the EU Commission:
“Coordination of gross list prices for medium to heavy lorries in the European Economic Area (EEA).”
“Agreement of schedule for the introduction of emission reduction technologies for medium and heavy lorries in response to the increasingly stringent European emission standards.”
“Transfer of costs for the emission reduction technologies […] to the customers”
What are the possibilities for the lorry buyers?
The EU Commission has determined that the firms MAN, Volvo/Renault, Daimler, Iveco and DAF have committed an antitrust violation through the price agreement. This assessment is applicable by German law and you no longer have to prove that you were damaged as a buyer. There is the possibility to demand compensation for buyers and also lessees of lorries from the named manufactures during the period of 1997-2011.
What compensation amount is predicted?
The amount of a buyer’s resulting damage is to be determined by expert opinion. For this, an expert opinion created individually for each damaged party calculates what price would have been likely if no price arrangements had been made.
When do claims become time-barred?
Limitation periods can be different according to the cartel and conditions of your particular case. CREDITALE will happily check the limitation period. Please contact us here.